Books on Break

Chatham Reads, a program of the Chatham Education Foundation (CEF), in partnership with Chatham County Schools (CCS) hosts Books on Break at elementary schools in low-income and rural communities.

These free book fairs were first held in 2016 at 2 schools, and students took home close to 5,400 books. Each year since, CEF has expanded the program to reach more children. In 2024, the program served 8 locations and students took home 14,000+ books! Pre-K – 1st graders get 5 books each and 2nd – 5th get 4 books each. Book boxes are also distributed to teachers in 6th – 8th grade classrooms.


Statistics show that two out of three children living in poverty do not have books in their homes. (Source: National Center for Children in Poverty, 2013)

More than 80% of children from economically disadvantaged communities can lose one to three months of reading skills over the summer. This can add up to 3 years of learning loss by the 5th  grade, leaving them lagging behind their more affluent peers.


Schools are chosen for the program based on the percentage of students who receive free and reduced lunch, as low-income families are less likely to have books in their homes or access, especially over the summer, to school and public libraries. Research shows that just 15 – 20 minutes of reading a day can make a real difference in counteracting learning loss.

These book fairs allow students to choose books they will enjoy reading during the summer months and add them to their home libraries.


Volunteers are needed to set-up the fairs and help students choose their books! You can sign up for our Spring 2025 events at this link.

Donations are also needed to support the book fairs! You can designate your gift to Books on Break, and companies can partially or fully sponsor fairs at specific schools. More information at business sponsorships is available here.

Contact Kathy Havens, Chatham Reads Program Manager, to host a book drive or help sort books. We accept new or gently used books.