Chatham Reads

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Chatham Reads is a partnership led by the Chatham County Schools and the Chatham Education Foundation partnering with other local community organizations including Chatham County Literacy Council, Chatham County Partnership for Children, Chatham County Public Libraries, Communities In Schools of Chatham County, Chatham County Commissioners, Chatham Economic Development Corporation, The Learning Trail, RWA of North Carolina, Reach Out and Read, United Way of Chatham County, Chatham Connecting, Uplift Chatham, YMCA of the Triangle, Boys and Girls Club of Central Carolina, Triangle Community Foundation and others to bring awareness of literacy to the community.

The mission of Chatham Reads is to foster community partnerships that are dedicated to ensuring that literacy and reading resources are accessible to all Chatham County residents.

In July 2017 Chatham Reads was approved as a community partner with the National Campaign for Grade Level Reading.  Launched in 2010, the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading is a collaborative effort of funders, nonprofit partners, business leaders, government agencies, states and communities across the nation to ensure that many more children from low-income families succeed in school and graduate prepared for college, a career and active citizenship.
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How can you help?

  • Donate books at one of our upcoming BOOK DRIVES.  We are seeking mostly new or gently used elementary school books.
  • Let us know where you would like to see books for those in need.

The collaboration includes:  Chatham County Schools, Chatham Education Foundation, Chatham Literacy Council, the Chatham County Library, Communities In Schools of Chatham County and the Chatham County Partnership for Children. Supporter organizations include: Chatham County Commissioners, Chatham Economic Development Corporation,  The Learning Trail, Child Care Networks, Chatham Connecting, among others.  


What is a collaboration and collective impact?  Brining people together, with a common agenda, to achieve a social change.  In our case, the agenda is to enhance literacy skills in Chatham County and provide literacy resources to all residents.

Why do collaborations/collective impact work?  Together we can make a bigger impact than any one organization alone.