Galloway Ridge recently invested in the Chatham County Schools by providing the Chatham Education Foundation (CEF) with a $3,000 grant. This money will support the schools of Chatham County by investing in CEF’s Aspiring Educator Scholarship program. Scholarships will help encourage and support future educators from Chatham County Schools.
With enrollment at North Carolina universities schools of education plummeting, it is important to invest in our teachers. Generous support of community businesses will allow CEF to not only invest in our current teachers but also our future teachers in Chatham County Schools. By providing scholarship funds to aspiring educators, CEF hopes to encourage growth in the field of education. Chris Ehrenfeld, CEF Board Chair points out “research shows teacher effectiveness plays a major role in student achievement and CEF strives to support the current and future teachers of Chatham County”. CEF hopes to encourage qualified, dedicated individuals to become educators and be ready to impact change in Chatham classrooms.