Chatham Reads is a partnership led by Chatham County Schools and the Chatham Education Foundation partnering with other local organizations to bring awareness of literacy and literacy resources to the community. The mission of Chatham Reads is to foster community partnerships that are dedicated to ensuring that literacy and reading

Can you believe the holiday season is upon us? Are you struggling, once again, on gift ideas for thechildren in your life? Why not give the gift that keeps on giving? Educational subscription boxes!Subscription boxes will not only keep the children entertained but will also educate and allow them tobe

Rain, rain, go away…. This was our exact sentiment when we saw the forecast for The Chatham County Schools’ (CCS) Back-to-School Bash event scheduled for August 20th. Chatham Education Foundation, CCS staff and a dedicated group of volunteers put countless hours into making this event a fun and successful family

The relaxing days of summer break will soon be coming to an end. The thought of beginning anew school year can be overwhelming, which can bring about feelings of anxiety and stress.This can be caused by a variety of reasons: change of routines, concern with making newfriends, will they like

The pandemic affected almost every aspect of our lives as we knew it. We have all learned how to adapt and pivot in most situations. Unfortunately, our young learners who were/are in their formative years of learning how to communicate and read will be impacted for years to come. According