Yay! Summer Break is here! Now, what can you do to keep your children engaged and not constantly asking for you to keep them entertained?  It is imperative that children remain engaged over the summer. If they do not, they will fall victim to the inevitable “summer slide.” Children stop

FREE?!?! Who doesn’t love free? But free college…wouldn’t that be a dream come true? Well, it is true! Right here in Chatham County! It is called the Chatham County Promise. “Central Carolina Works (CCW) is a collaboration between the three local education agencies served by Central Carolina Community College; the

CEF Board and staff deplore actions that are racist and discriminatory as harmful to the well-being of all of our students and to the community. CEF fully supports the district’s commitment “to dismantling racism and other negative influences that affect our school community.” We take seriously the district’s pledge to

Reading is fundamental to the success of all students. It is the most critical academic skill because it sets the foundation for all learning. Without a strong foundation in reading, children can be left behind at the beginning of their education.  According to Nationwide Children’s, “Language and literacy develop together

The Chatham Education Foundation’s (CEF) mission is to engage our community as public school advocates and to raise funds and resources to support innovation and education excellence in the Chatham County Schools. In our continued efforts to accomplish our mission, we are pleased to announce that we awarded almost $10,000

We are in need of volunteers to help us sort books for our Books on Break program. This is an integral part of this program. If you are unable to volunteer a whole shift, that is okay…we appreciate any amount of time you are able to volunteer! December 15, 2021:8:30

School can be difficult and does not come easy or naturally for some. Establishing effective study habits at a young age will help your student to be successful throughout their academic career. It will also help reduce stress, anxiety, frustration, and save a lot of time. Studying is not just

We are interested in your thoughts. CEF hosts Community Partnership in Education webinars that connect families with local education resources. Tell us what education or school related topics would interest you or your student? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdrO14hz–lzl_6JmMJdOma_7vvNHISm0lNAEW1gU6A8jTwUw/viewform?usp=sf_link