$17.4 Million…that is the COVID-19 relief funds that Chatham County Schools’ (CCS) received from the Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) fund. This funding will be used over the next few years. Chatham County Schools’ values the stakeholders’ input and offered a few ways for them to participate in

“This is the BEST DAY EVER!” exclaimed a student from Virginia Cross Elementary.  The excitement and anticipation in the air was almost tangible in the building on selection day for our Books on Break program. The children walking the halls to their next class anxiously await their class’s turn to

A new tradition at baby showers, in the past few years, has been to bring a book, instead of a card, as a  gift to the expecting parents. I LOVE this idea! It helps to build at-home libraries and supports the idea that reading begins in infancy.  As stated by

The search for a new Chatham County Superintendent began in mid January when Dr. Jordan announced his resignation to pursue a career with the N.C. Department of Public Instruction. He valiantly served our community as superintendent for almost 8 years. The interim superintendent, Dr. Bridges was sworn in on January

The Chatham Education Foundation greatly respects the essential role played by all who serve as educators and caregivers for our community’s children. Not only do they contribute to the growth and development of their charges, they also are vital to the health and well-being of families and the business community.  


During the current pandemic, there have been an unprecedented number of needs that have arisen. Unfortunately, the need for books in low-income homes is not a new thing., The ease of students getting to the school libraries has been significantly impacted, therefore, the need for books in the home became

Dear Chatham County Schools Community Member: The Chatham County Board of Education has hired the North Carolina School Boards Association to help facilitate its search for the next superintendent of Chatham County Schools. Board members are seeking direct input from students, parents, staff and other community members to help shape